January 24, 2023

US-A-BIZ Award 2023 - Nominee Announcement

The Austrian Trade Commission Los Angeles is awarding the US-A-Biz Award to Austrian companies for top performances in the US market. ‘In the US – the largest and most competitive market in the world – innovation, marketing, strategy, networking and responsiveness are critical. Both large and smaller Austrian companies are successful in the US in their market and technology niches,’ emphasizes Volker Ammann, Austrian Trade Commisioner in Los Angeles. ‘The true strengths of our Austrian niche world champions are revealed in highly competitive industrial markets.’

September 29, 2022

Most Innovative Healthcare IT Solutions Consultancy 2022

IKCI Tech Inc. helps both well-known and newly established companies who may otherwise be overlooking their business planning due to a lack of expertise in business processing and business solutions. Its mission is to support these businesses’ growth and innovation with the help of analytics, data science, and customised key performance indicators. IKCI supports businesses to be their most successful through a range of services in the form of data science, artificial intelligence, marketing
services, and financial services.